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Understanding the biosphere and its processes is critical for addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainability.

complex biofertilizer

uTerra is a unique complex biofertilizer for all kinds of plants. It is versatile and is used for highly efficient environmentally friendly cultivation of crops, flowering plants, medicinal herbs, restoration of soil fertility.

Product banner uTerra Oasis

Farmers’ benefit

Increase yield while growing healthy, environmentally clean, nutritious, and health-strengthening organic food. Yield increase up to 35-60%.


Humic acid extract from brown coal, biohumus liquid fraction, honey, molasses, succinic acid, mushroom elicitors.

uTerra contains

Organic component (humic substances and fulvic acids, amino acids, vitamins, phytohormones, organic acids), macro-, micro- and ultramicroelements obtained from natural raw materials: brown coal, biohumus, molasses, honey, etc., allowed for use in organic farming, and also agronomically valuable soil microorganisms from the World Soil Bank, created in Belarus on Yunitskiy’s farm.

Raw materials for obtaining biofertilizer uTerra

No synthetic substitutes are used in the production of uTerra Oasis complex biofertilizer. The use of exclusively natural ingredients has a positive effect on the final food products.

Efficiency of uTerra
Liquid Complex Biofertilizer

Proven experimentally on farmland of the Agricultural Enterprise by Unitsky and by independent laboratories


Increases yield by up to 35-50%


Accelerate plant growth


Enhances flavor and aroma of fruits


Increases the content of vitamins, amino acids and minerals
(macro-, micro- and ultramicroelements)


Reduces the presence of nitrates, radionuclides and heavy metals


Protects plants and soil from diseases and pets


Enriches soil with beneficial microorganisms


Normalizes soil acidity to pH 6.5 - 7.5

Efficiency of uTerra
Liquid Complex Biofertilizer

Proven experimentally on farmland of the Agricultural Enterprise by Unitsky and by independent laboratories

Areas of application of uTerra


Humusoponics (a kind of hydroponics, but with the addition of uTerra).
Humusoponics, unlike aeroponic and hydroponic methods of plant production, involves providing plants with a full spectrum of nutrients from organic and mineral sources, and utilizes beneficial soil microorganisms in the technology.

Up to 20% more yield compared to conventional hydroponics.

Significant improvement in the taste of cultivated crops.

Increasing the content of micronutrients.

Increasing resistance to plant disease.

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